Caring for the communities we serve


Earlier this month, Envoy’s Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (CDIAC) and the Women of Envoy (WE) joined efforts to continue supporting a DFW Metroplex school, Summit Leadership Academy (SLA), through a Thanksgiving food drive.

After a successful school supply drive in August, where CDIAC members delivered 17 boxes full of the teachers’ most requested items to the SLA faculty before their first day of school, volunteers from WE decided to join in with the efforts for another round of donations, this time making support during the upcoming holiday season a priority.

“The holidays are always such a busy time, and can add a lot of stress on people for various reasons,” said Envoy Vice President of Human Resources & Employment Counsel, Chanen Lively, who also serves as a WE and CDIAC executive sponsor and co-chair. “These students and their families shouldn’t have to worry about where their Thanksgiving meal is coming from, so we were excited to bring our teams together to package up these holiday meal kits for them to take home.”

We’re thankful for the generous food donations from DFW and EHQ-based Envoy employees, the CDIAC and WE team members who volunteered their time, and the team at SLA for allowing us the opportunity to show our support!

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