RTP Newsletter: Q3 2018


Now that Q3 (July-September) is almost over, Envoy’s Rotor Transition Program has both exciting milestones and changes to celebrate. This quarter, the program passed it’s two year anniversary, quickly surpassed it’s 300th student, and saw it’s first Captain upgrade. As the end of the year fast approaches, the Rotor Transition Program will continue to honor it’s past while forging ahead.

 Click here to read about the changes coming to RTP!

RTP News

05.06.24 / Love is in the Air featuring Captains Sebastian Sanchez and Jessica Christofersen Sanchez

04.25.24 / McKinney Wins Top 10 CFO Award

04.25.24 / Video: Another Successful Purdue Aviation Day

04.19.24 / Celebrating Diversity and Growth: A Recap of WAI’s Vibrant Atmosphere

04.19.24 / RSW With Another Cup Win!